Fine Art Originals | Giclee's | Comissions | GC Designs
Gloria Clifford provides her collectors with incredibly uplifting artwork...as well as with art that is conservation based for a global purpose. By showcasing ocean and rain forest subjects within her designs, Gloria believes that viewers will be inspired to save and to protect these beautiful ecosystems as well as the animals who live there. The artist's adoration of these beautiful creatures and their threatened habitats are lovingly captured by use of a brilliant color palette with a style uniquely her own! Bold joyful paintings literally grab your attention and the creation of art for purposes which speak loud and clear that this artist is all about protecting the Earth's threatened species is inspiring. A genuine love for the planet and a passion to help threatened species sets this North American painter apart as a talent to follow.
Gloria Clifford Tropical Island Art
Gloria Clifford Island Designs
© 2004 - 2020 Copyright Gloria W. Clifford All Rights Reserved All images/paintings on this website are fully protected under International Copyright Law Copying images from this website without the permission of the artist is considered copyright infringement.